
Howlin' Weenies!

The lighthouse at Pensacola NAS is one of the oldest on the Gulf Coast. It stands an impressive 17 stories tall and is about 30 feet above sea-level. And it is haunted.

Last night, we braved the darkness for the Haunted Lighthouse Tour sponsored by the US Coast Guard. I won't give away all the fun, but at one point, all those brave and skeptical McKnights were reduced to a bunch of howlin' weenies!

It is not a gory or boo-fright type of journey, but rather an historically factual foray into the unknown - and attendees are left to decide for themselves. The cost is five dollars for adults and two for kids (they counted the teenie weenies as kids and the baby (5) was free.)

It was a really enjoyable evening - all of the kids loved it. Including Fifteen for a Moment, who commented that the tour guides were "hot." Raging hormones. . .now THAT's scary!!!

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