
A Little Testy. . .

"Oh, you got so much goin' for you,
Goin' right,
But I know at 17
It's hard to see past Friday night.
Tonight's the bonfire rally,
But you're staying home instead,
Because if you fail algebra,
Mom and Dad'll kill you dead!
Trust me, you'll squeak by and get a C -
And you're still around to write this letter to me." - Brad Paisley

Today we take our Algebra 2 test. Having found math to be a little too, well, mathematical myself, I can certainly identify with my daughter's anxiety.

We've studied, prepared a sanctioned "cheat sheet," prayed. . . now it's all up to her. This is her make or break moment, an event that could change her entire life, the determining factor in whether she's a CEO or a bagger forever. . .

I can't write a letter to me like Brad did, but I can pass a little wisdom on to my lovely daughter. No, it's just another test. And life is full of them. Go get 'em on this one and move on to the next, girl! I am proud of you.

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